Why I love drive-ins

When we go to the Transit Drive-In, we watch the movie from the comfort and isolation of our car. If the people next to us talk too loud, I can roll up my window and block them out. Other than my kid in my car with me, my nearest “neighbor” is separated from me by at least two closed car doors and windows.

I love it.

The last two times we’ve gone to a regular movie theatre, we were the first two people to walk into the theater and sit down.

The last two times we’ve gone to a regular movie theatre, the next two people into the theatre chose seats right in front of us.  The next two people after that sat in the same row.

What is that?

It wasn’t like we were sitting in a prime spot. We were sitting on the far left outside aisle of the fourth row from the front.

What is it that makes people feel the need to flock together like that? Not everybody wants that. Geesh. I pick out of the way seats for just that reason – hoping no one will want to sit near us, because the ones that do sit near us are inevitably talkers, who don’t let the movie stop them from conversing.


I wish the drive in was open all year round. I’d bundle up and go, even in December.